Friday 16 December 2011

Feedback on Wise Kids training

The Wise Kids training is truly excellent. It's fast and furious in the best possible way and very interactive.
It was good to get some of the background to the new technologies which did help my understanding and made me think about the different uses for the various social media.
I think we must all start using these tecnologies more, not just for promoting libraries and our role to the public but also for professional networking and sharing of ideas and online and didgital resources.
I know there are sometimes issues within our ICT departments about allowing access to some social media but it is up to us to demonstrate that this is essential for information providers and communicators if we are to communicate most effectively and with our customers and colleagues.
I think it would be useful for staff at all levels to have an introduction to what can be achieved and I think Wise Kids and maybe CyMAL could maybe consider something to help staff be less fearful of new technologies.
It would also be good to have a co-ordinated approach as to what libraries should be offering customers and also how libraries can encourage the public to become part of a digital community.
Than you Sangeet, it was a great course. Maybe an extra day would have spoilt us too much but it would have been well used.
I haven't had much time to get together with Anna to take the children's blog forward, but it's a must for the new year.

Thursday 15 December 2011


I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 days of the training programme that I could attend.  Although I already used many of the technologies mentioned I did pick up a few new ones I hadn't heard of and learned many tips for improving the way I use them.  I use a lot of these technologies in my role, so discovering ways to manage them more effectively was a great bonus for me.  In addition my role is more of an advisory one, for FE LRCs, so it was good for me to find out what technologies can be used in libraries for both staff and learners and to pass this information on.

I feel I am given a lot of support from various organisations such as CyMAL, CILIP etc but as with many of these training sessions they are run and forgotten about, it would be good to see a follow session maybe a year or so later to find out what has/hasn't worked, how things have changed, and any support needed then.  The main issues I can see are getting access to these technologies and this is where I can see CyMAL playing a role in supporting requests.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Feedback - Swansea Libraries

I have really enjoyed the three day course and there was more information to cover than three days would really allow. It was useful to already have a basic knowledge of certain online tools and websites, including Twitter, YouTube and Facebook as there are so many others that I had previously not heard of or used but would be useful for creating resources for both Libraries staff and customers.

I think I have a better of idea of how to use our existing online presence to promote the Library Service more effectively, as well as develop other tools and resources. Some information that I learnt on the programme will also be useful to share with other staff within the service and I am looking forward to talking with others about it as well as developing our project further to become a useful resource for library staff.

The number of resources and use of Web 2.0 is increasing at great speed and I think it would be helpful to have some kind of support available. Maybe in 6 months and again in a year's time, I would like to have a chance to discuss our own use of Web 2.0 with someone experienced in the field, to find out whether we are using it in the most effective way or if there are better methods or tools to achieve our objectives, also to learn of new developments that we should consider when planning our future use of online resources for both customers and staff. It is great to know that we have a good starting point to develop our Service's online presence but I think it could easily become outdated if not assessed regularly. I would also like to learn more about collecting and interpreting data relating to customers' use and interaction with our Facebook page, Twitter account and blog.