Friday 25 November 2011

Day 3 feedback from Catherine

I felt I got a lot out of the course and it has open my eyes to how social media can be used as a tool to engage and communicate with our students and staff.  The course was well run and Sangeet was a good teacher, who clearly explained digital literacy and used interesting and relevant examples to illustrate this. 

I did feel that for academic librarians, the final day of the course was quite wordy and spent too long focussing on issues that are more important for children rather than students.  I would have like more practical experience exploring how to use other social media - like prezi, wiki and wordpress, maybe some examples illustrating how how teachers use it to engage with their students. However, I do understand that the issue is of huge importance for other types of libraries and it was right that so much time was devoted to it that day. 

As a suggestion, future courses could be run for different types of library, i.e. academic, public and commercial?  And then the content could be tailored to meet needs and interests of those particular institutions.

All in all, it was a great course and I hope that WISE KIDS and Cymal continue to provide more of them in the future.

Powys School Libraries - Cybersavvy Plans

Looking at ways of integrating elements of social media use and focussing on security, awareness and critical knowledge. Imbedding this as part of information literacy standards and education inclusion. Raising awareness for staff and end users - eg school pupils, public, targetted user groups. embedding and strengthening Information Literacy skills.

Mindmap: CyberSavvy

Front line library staff - often in part-time, single staffed libraries - are often expected to be IT experts by library users. Increasingly public access computers in Powys are used by young people for social networking. In this environment staff need to be more aware of cyber safety issues.

Cybersavvy plan Cardiff Libraries

This mindmap is a draft for presenting a workshop to highlight the highs and lows of using social media with young people.

Digital Inclusion

I've tried to incorporate everything i have learned on day 3 and so this mind map may be a bit ambitious but it tries to show a service wide plan for improving our interactions with new media. Basically it identifies key workers who will work with 3 groups to both create clearer guidelines for staff and training activities/sessions for  different user groups. The one thing i have not included is closer links with IT to discuss our needs and actually discover what is possible.

Digital Etiquette Mind Blog

This is my mind map surrounding general digital etiquette issues. In my role perhaps highlighting these issues in the induction to new staff would be beneficial as well as ensuring that links to Welsh Government policies surrounding acceptable use of the Internet and email are highlighted.

Thursday 24 November 2011

RCT Libraries - Link to project


Sorry this is late been really busy. Just adding the link to my project for tomorrows 3rd day session. This project is linked to some training material on answering customer inquiries i have been working on for the South East Wales (SET) training group. The group kindly agreed that i could produce a blog to deliver this training. The idea being that staff would be asked to work through the blog which incorporates a mixture of newly created material and material drawn from sources on the web.
